About Me: Faithful Encourager

Welcome to Faithful Encourager,

I am a child of God and daughter of the King, I'm a full-time stay at home and homeschooling mono-parent mamma with two lovely girls under my wing. 

I was someone who's always been spiritually sensitive to the spirit realm and so when I became born again in 2018 God began unraveling the lies of the enemy and began revealing to me that what the devil made me believe was a weakness was actually my God given gift and now He wants me to encourage other fellow Christians to understand biblical spiritual matters in spirit and truth and so they can be set free from the schemes of the evil one once and for all.

I've been through a lot since I became born-again and maybe you can relate? You know God, so you know that nothing good or bad ever goes to waste with Him, but instead He will make a purpose out of it and Has a plan to bless others through it.

You can follow me on YouTube to learn from my personal experiences and gain spiritual wisdom so you can truly stand in victory!

The Bible says our fight is not against flesh and blood but evil spirits. "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

So I'm here to give you confidence and reassurance in God's Good News that He doesn't want you to live in anymore bondage but truly desires to set you free in Jesus name.

Allow Jesus to take you gently by the hand, lift your heavy burden and renew your mind. Don't ever quit fighting the good fight of faith.

Belief Statement: I believe that there is only One God Almighty, Alpha and Omega and that Jesus is the only begotten son of God. Jesus is our perfect Saviour, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus is the only mediator to God the Father and so we always pray using his name. The Holy Spirit which is God's spirit poured into us when we receive it as a gift by confessing Jesus is Lord and believing with our heart through faith and get baptized for remission of sins and to be born again we enter into God's family.


Faithful Encourager Approach

At Faithful Encourager, I believe that God will guide us in all spirit and truth and that we can be of one mind and united in Christ. We rely on God in Jesus name for our daily bread. I share weekly YouTube videos that aim to provide practical advice, revelation knowledge, and spiritual guidance. Eventually I will have biweekly prayer meetings and Bible studies held online for further growth.

BiWeekly Online Bible Studies/Prayer Meetings 

Join Faithful Encourager every second week for uplifting Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings(including Deliverance) that focus on real Biblical spiritual growth, community connection, and practical spiritual wisdom. Whether you are seeking guidance, inspiration, or fellowship, this will offer a welcoming space for individuals to deepen their understanding of faith and connect with like-minded individuals.

COMING SOON!!! Dates will be posted and announced!

Bianca Anne L.

Faithful Encourager/Disciple of Jesus Christ 

I've been through domestic abuse, have gone through different women's shelters, had a part of my house burn down, had a miscarriage, my husband had undergone surgery for cancer, all this in the same year, and now we are in divine seperation until my prodigal husband gets his heart right back with God and equally working on my heart.

I'm a full-time time stay at home mom with two lovely girls under my care and so despite all the setbacks God is making a way through the Red Sea to let you know that All is possible to whom believes. I'm here to encourage you even through the difficult seasons that God is still good and not to give up. I'm here to encourage you to prepare spiritually for the hard seasons that may come so you can stand on guard against the schemes of the devil.

This is not a pity story but one of redemption and He is calling you to the Lords table, you are going to be the head and not the tail. You are more than a conquer in Christ Jesus!

Get in Touch

Ready to experience the Faithful Encourager difference? Join our community events through our Facebook Group. Let us be your source of Biblical spiritual support in all it's fullness and true encouragement on your faith journey.